On April 6, I'll be departing for Scotland to begin a solo stroll across Scotland via the John Muir Way. One month. Am I ready? In a word: OMGsHECKNO!!!
Actually, that needs to be clarified. In terms of supplies and logistics, I'm good-to-go. Flights are all set. Accommodations and luggage transfers are arranged. Still have a couple of in-country transportation arrangements to make, but those are minor. I'm all set for gear - my guest bedroom has assumed its secondary role as a staging area, and stuff is piling up, waiting to be packed.
It's the physical readiness that I'm WAY behind in. Thanks to an irregular work schedule, getting to the gym has proven to be next to impossible. Training hikes have not been long enough or frequent enough. The only thing that is keeping me from worrying about this too much is that this hike - while considerably longer than the West Highland Way - is not as strenuous in terms of elevation change and terrain. Plus, I have 3 rest days built in. Still. The JMW is 134 miles and in my mind, failure to complete is not an option. This is one of the cons of a solo trip - I have no one to be accountable to except for myself.
So, here's to the not-quite-last-minute getting the butt in gear process. Stay tuned to this space for additional updates and, once I hit the trail, photos and narratives of what I see and do and who I meet up with. For those of you who followed along with my blog of the WHW hike 3 years ago, hopefully this will be equally as entertaining. :)